In behalf of the management, staff and crew of yourflowerpatch.com “flower shop in makati” we congratulate all participants in the 2019 sea games. Specially to the philippines for winning 149 fold medals and a total of 387 Medals. As the games colncluded, today december 11, 2019, the Philippines accumulated 149 Gold medals, 117 silver medals and 121 bronze models. Congratulation as well to Vietnam for placing 2nd in the overall champion having 98 gold medals. They accumulated a total of 288 medals. 98 gold medals, 85 silver medals and 105 bronze medals. Also congratulations to Thailand for having a total of 318 medals. 92 gold, 103 silver and 123 bronze. This 2019 30th sea games, there were 11 countries that joined namely of course the philippines, vietnam, singapore, malaysia,brunei, cambodia, indonesia, Lao, myan mar,timor leste and thailand. Their medal tally are as follows:
Philippines accumulated 149 Gold Medals, 117 Silver Medals and 121 Bronze Medals with the total of 387 Medals. Vietnam got 98 Gold Medals, 85 Silver Medals and 105 Bronze Medals total of 288 Medals, Thailand accumulated 92 Gold Medals, 103 Silver Medals and 105 Bronze Medals for a total of 288 Medals with a total of 318 Medals. Indonesia got 72 Gold Medals, 84 Silver Medals and 111 Bronze Medals the total they got are 267 Medals. Malaysia accumulated 55 Gold Medals, 58 Silver Medals and 71 Bronze Medals with a total of 184 Medals. Singapore got 53 Gold Medals, 46 Silver Medals and 68 Bronze Medals for a total of 167 Medals, Myanmar got 4 Gold Medals, 18 Silver Medals and 51 Bronze Medals a total of 73 Medals, Cambodia also got 4 Gold Medals, 6 Silver Medals and 36 Bronze Medals a total of 46 Medals. Brunei Darussalam accumulated 2 Gold Medals, 5 Silver and 6 Bronze for a total of 13 Medals, Lao PDR got 1 Gold Medal, 5 Silver and 29 Bronze, a total of 35 Medals and last but not the least Timor Leste got 1 Silver Medals and 5 Bronze a total of 6 Medals
We are so proud of our country and athletes because our country garnered an all time high of 149 fold medals. This is a big come compared to the 2017 Kuala Lumpur Games winning only 24 gold medals.
Readmore at https://yourflowerpatch.com/blog/397-philippines-overall-champion-2019-30th-sea-games
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