• Coast Guard District Northern Luzon rolled up its sleeves to rise up the challenge of teaching civilians about safe water rescue, the work it knows best. The 4-day training title water search and rescue (WaSAR) was sponsored by the LGU of Vigan City, Ilocos Sur and was participated in by twenty (20) rescue students from 29 July 01 august 2009.

    There were four (4) basic modules which are basic swimming strokes. Life saving techniques, rubber boat operators and basic life support. Presentation materials and verbal instructions were mainly in Filipino or Ilocano which was truly appreciated by the students because it facilitated easy understanding on their part. The effort of the CDGNLZ training staff truly paid of as proven  the post training assessment by the LGUs and students that the training was conducted in a manner that is “non militarized ”and quite cheerful which contrary to their initial expectation, made learning all the more enjoyable and effective.

    This is the third WaSAR training held within region1 over the years which has fortified the presence of coast guard trained water securers in Pangasinan, Ilocos Norte and now in Ilocos sur. The ideals for CDGNLZ to have “stand-by partners” at the level of the community during disaster emergency that can provide a swift response during the “golden hour” when casualties may still be rescued alive. Since it imparts capabilities to save lives it impowers local rescuers and coordination of response be easily established even prior to the arrival of responding SOG personnel in the area.

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    Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog (CGDSTL) is located in the fast rising economic center of the country where the Strong Republic Nautical Highway connects the five(5) major ports that ply the following routes: Batangas – Calapan; Batangas – Romblon; Batangas – Abra de Ilog; Roxas – Caticlan and Lucena – Marinduque. Through the years, the CGDSTL amidst the enormous responsibility at hand was able to perform its multifarious functions and address needs of the maritime community in the area of responsibility. In line with the Commandant’s COMPASS: Capacity Building Measures, Operating  Environment Awareness, Aggressive Training and Recruitment, Strategic Deployments and Visibility, Total Vigilance and Preparedness, Growth in Service and Support System, Unity of Action Through Partnership, Accountable Finance and Logistic System, Responsible Maritime Governance, Development of Doctrines and Maritime Regimes. Parallel to the program ensuring safer ships, cleaner seas and secure maritime environment, the following are the CGDSTL’S accomplishment for this year.

    Capacity building initiatives. CGDSTL was able to facilitate the donation of a 30, 910 square meters or almost 3.1 hectare lot located at Sabang Point, Brgy Cajimos, Romblon from the local government of Romblon for the future PCG Maritime Search and Rescue Base Facility.

    Through the initiative of the former District Commander Commodore Rodolfo Isorena PCG in coordination with Congressman Eleandro Jesus F. Madrona, District of Romblon, a 1.5 hectare of land was donated to the Philippine Coast Guard for the aforesaid purpose. The following year, an additional 15, 910 square meters of land was successfully negotiated to increase the boundaries for the SAR base Romblon.

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    $1o   CGDSEM AOR

    The area of responsibility of Coast Guard Southeastern Mindanao (CGDSEM) covers the coastal waters of the province of Surigao Del Sur in the north stretching towards west to the province of Saranggani and down to the Island of Balut in the south. It also includes important bodies of water engulfing Davao region, namely; Davao Gulf, Malalag Bay of Davao Del Sur and Mayo Bay of Davao Oriental. It has a coastline extending to about 1,746 kilometers and sprawling across a water jurisdiction of about 13,747 square kilometers. Its coastal areas provide settings to six (6) cities, 48 municipalities and 1,160 coastal barangays.

  • The Philippine coast guard special services office has been very active this year as coast guard athletes continue to reap honors in the country and abroad. Their achievements bring honor not only to the organization but for the country as well.

    The PCG judo club participated in the 1st uniformed service judo championship held January 2009 at Philippine army wellness center, Fort Andres Bonifacio, taguig city, wherein ENS JANSEN Y BENJAMIN PCG  and SN2 Daniel Pedro PCG won the gold medal in minus 81kg & minus 90kg divisions, respectively. LT GARY DALE GIMOTEA PCG bagged bronze medal in minus 73kg division. Members of the AFP and PNP participated in the tournament.

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    Education, has been often defined, “is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual”. Education also is a process of educating or teaching and its only purpose is to teach a student how to live his life – by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality.

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    Few may choose to tread the long and narrow path but as the Bible tells us, it is the path that leads to something better and brighter. When first the PCG was separated from the PN, not many dared to cast their lots with it. What happened resonates deeply with the concept of maritime trade of olden days when a voyage is deemed an adventure redolent with risks and danger yet may unexpectedly turn into a highly profitable endeavor. The PCG experience is parallel to that part of maritime history. Yet it has now emerged successful in the gamble that it took 11 years ago. To date the PCG Bill or the law that seeks to not only update RA 5173 as amended but also to modernize and empower the Philippine Coast Guard has already reached 3rd reading in the Senate, thanks to the unanimous support of the Senate Committee on National Defense, Chaired by Sen. Rodolfo Biazon and the whole Philippine Senate. It has now been calendared to be presented in the bicameral session of Congress on November 2009.

  • An improvised explosive device was found on 26 July 2009 inside a sack aboard MV Blue Water Princess II, a RoRo vessel bound to Masbate city. Acting upon an Intel report, personnel of coast guard station Lucena together with a CGK9 team boarded the target ship. The CGK9 team searched the ship and with CGK9 robins help successfully detected and recovered several gin bottles of ammonium nitrate or “bigas - bigas” with blasting caps.

    After being diffused by members of the EOD battalion of the Philippine army assigned at the AFP southern Luzon command said items were brought to the coast guard station for investigation and proper disposition.

    Although no one was arrested the unlawful elements did realized that the coast guards is doing its job and that our CGWD are “for real” for as long as there is threat in our peace and order,CGK9 will never cease to serve and protect.

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    I’m privileged to write for the PCGOWA and PCGSFI to keep you abreast on what’s happening in the ladies’ circle. Though it may seem that our ladies are not seen as often at the Coast Guard headquarters as we used to, I’m glad we are still up and about and focused to fulfill our duties to serve, work behind the scene, and assist in some humanitarian activities of the Coast Guard.

    Duly recognized by the PCG, the PCGOWA and the PCGSFI are both duly registered organizations under the Securities and Exchange Commission. These organizations are aimed at promoting the welfare of their beneficiaries. The PCGOWA embarks on the social responsibilities of its members being the ever supportive wives of PCG officers. The PCG ladies are always ready to render assistance as may be requested in any PCG ceremonial or humanitarian projects or activities. On the other hand, the PCGSFI manages a long-standing scholarship program that provides educational assistance to intellectually-gifted but economically challenged dependents of PCG enlisted personnel. The PCGOWA and PCGSFI generate funds through selected fund-raising projects in order to pursue their goals. Despite very modest resources, both organizations are able to cope up in providing and sustaining the duly established fund support for would-be scholars and likewise, be of valuable assistance to some PCG command activities as requested. And through this, we are able to develop and enhance fellowship among our ladies. In recent years, the PCGOWA and PCGSFI undertook several projects under the able leadership of previous lady advisers. We wish to continue to move forward in upholding the ideals and aspirations of the said organizations.

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    Moving forward with our UPHSD BSNAME Program. Be a ship designer, shipbuilder, marine surveyor, technical superintendent, shipyard manager, shipyard owner, and/or a potential Navy/ Coast Guard officer. Join us!     

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    The UPHSD College of Maritime Education is devising all measures to effectively assist its maritime cadets to enable them to undergo their on board training at the earliest possible time. 

    While most cadets prefer to be accommodated on board international vessels for the conduct of their shipboard or on board training (OBT), domestic vessels likewise provide significant number of OBT berths for maritime cadets. 

    While cadets are paid their allowances on board international vessels, cadets normally pay for the extra cost of board and lodging while undergoing shipboard training on board domestic vessels.

    This means that cadets who are not able to undergo on board training in international vessels have the option to go on board inland or domestic vessels instead. The reality is that some cadets have to find ways to work in order to raise funds for payment of their 4th year tuition, and likewise the board and lodging and other fees that are being charged by inland shipping or domestic vessels for the conduct of cadets' on board training.

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    On behalf of the Chairman of the Board and CEO, Dr./BGen.Antonio Laperal Tamayo, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome each and everyone of you to our Biñan campus which is one of the 9 campuses under the University of Perpetual Help System.

    The Perpetualite Family is truly blessed and grateful to the Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions or PAMI, of course through its very capable President, Engr Felix Oca, and the other PAMI officers, Engineer Benito P Chiongbian, Vice President of R-NET NCR/Southern Luzon, Mr Sabino Czar C. Manglicmot II, PAMI’s Executive Vice President, and the member institutions’ Presidents, Deans, STOs, and Department Heads, for choosing Perpetual Biñan as the venue for this 2-day strategic programming.

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    During its 26th anniversary celebration in June 2009. Coast Guard District Western Visayas adopted seemingly “old-new” theme- passionate coastguarding. Old because “passion” is an oft-used word to describe something or someone of intensity, to the point of being a cliché. New because the word is not a favorite to describe or characterize a technical thing, more so a technical service that is engaged in the serious business of safety and security. But despite the lack of bravado, they are interesting and substantial words that one can live by.

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    Last 21-23 May 2009, the 25th PCGA Annual National Convention was held at Bacolod Pavilion Resort Hotel, Bacolod City. The said National Convention was attended by about 400 PCGA volunteers, 10 Coast Guard District Commanders, CG Major Unit Commanders and some HPCG Central and Special Staff. The Honorable DOTC Secretary Larry R Mendoza was the Guest of Honor during the Opening Ceremony while Senator Francis Escudero and Congressman Monico Puntabella were the invited resource speakers of the convention. The theme of the convention was “A New ERA of Commitment and Unity”

    The following are some important outputs of the just concluded PCGA Annual National Convention a) Resolutions for the establishment of Maritime Search and Rescue Unit, Marine Environmental Protection Unit, Maritime Safety Unit, and Community Relations Unit in every PCGA District; b) Resolution for the Approval of the Amendments of 2008 PCGA Manual c) Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the PCGA and the PLS or Philippine Life Saving, Inc. and; d) the launching of the CGADWV PCGA Training Manual, Indoctrination Manual, and Sea Scout Manual.

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    Last August 2008, I led the delegation of Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary which attended the US Coast Guard Auxialiary’s annual National Convention in my new capacity as PCGA National Director. It was there, during the International Round Table discussion, that the US Coast Guard Auxiliary presented the task of forming an alliance of Search and Rescue Organizations in the Asia Pacific Region. COMMO Ray Campbell, National Commodore of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (AVCGA) and I, accepted the challenge and committed that we would try to form the alliance before the next USCGA National Convention in August 2009.

    Three months after, on November 2008, being invited to attend the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association’s annual convention, I led four other flag officers to Brisbane, Australia. There we signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the AVCGA, similar to what we have with the USCGA. After the convention, we had a meeting where we agreed to organize an Asia Pacific conference tentatively to be held in February or March of 2009 in Manila, Philippines.

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    As it is told, the speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack! With a flamboyant and resolute Commandant, ADMIRAL Wilfredo D Tamayo, the Coast Guard Special Operations Group (CGSOG) could not afford to slow down. Its fleet of rubber boats is always warmed up and the legs of its frogmen are always in shape. Its distinguished lead officers are always on alert to receive direct instructions from the Fleet Commander or the Commandant himself.

    Taking the cue from the innovative character of the Commandant, who seems to grasp fully well the two great laws of life: “Growth and Decay”, the CGSOG slowly restructure and comes up with dynamic innovations to showcase its relevance to the general public. On several occasions, the Commandant pointed out that the PCG has evolved into a multi-tasked, multi faceted and multi-roled organization. The changes or “growth” as we may consider of course are not mere capricious whims but rather natural forces adhered to, otherwise “decay” would engulf our organization. These pronouncements have inspired the Group to come up with its innovative programs and be critical with it coined and adopted motto “Semper Superne Nitens” which simply means “always striving upwards.

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    We invite you to visit Coast Guard District Northern Luzon for yourself which sits on a vast 3,000 sqm land in the middle of a cove lined by lengthy mile of a fine beach sand and the quiet, pristine waters of the South China Sea. A stunning million-dollar view of the sunset is reward in itself after a long hot day.

    It is home to 184 CG personnel and is located in San Fernando City, La Union. One can virtually find everything here from banks to resorts, malls, food chains, commercial establishments and entertainment facilities.

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    The past and recent sea and disasters in the ACR of Coast Guard Station Surigao, particularly Dinagat-Surigao and approaches, and the less visibility of search and rescue units or at times the  delayed search and rescue operations by concerned agencies not to mention its limited assets and capability, prompted the need for an organization with local SEARCH AND RESCUE capability in the area. The idea was to have a search and rescue organization capable of rescue operations that would react first pending the arrival of assets from the government. Such idea was conceptualized between the coastguard in Surigao and the Surigao-Dinagat passenger motorbanca association  where its members are boat owners and operators in the area. With series of talks conducted for the idea, and finalization, the Surigao-Dinagat searchand rescue fleet was established through MOA between the  organizers and the PCG which was held on 11 December 2008. The signatories were ADMIRAL Wilfredo D Tamayo PCG, Commandant PCG and ENGR ROLDAN E LISONDRA representing Surigao Del Norte Motorized Banca Operators Association, Inc. with eighty four (84) motor banca members.

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    When the Philippine Coast Guard separated from the Philippine Navy in 1998, its initial Corps of Officers is composed of men and women with multifarious backgrounds and areas of expertise. In order to cope with the personnel and material growth of the organization, the PCG started its own Officer procurement and Enlisted Personnel recruitment in 2000. The Coast Guard Education and Training Command served the purpose of providing the basic training and education needs of the new Officers and Enlisted Personnel. They were also cross-trained with other maritime training institutions to further enhance their knowledge and skills, thus allowing them to cope with the ever-developing standardization requirements of the maritime industry.

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    University of Perpetual Help System DALTA- Globally connected to provide quality education.
